February 22, 2014

What's on Our iPad? Speech Therapy for Apraxia

Throughout our Gumdrop Case giveaway, I'll be posting about our favorite apps we use on our iPad.  Some are specifically for speech therapy for my daughter who has Apraxia and some are educational.   

Speech Therapy for Apraxia - NACD Home Speech Therapist

Speech Therapy for Apraxia is actually the first app we bought for my daughter when we got her iPad.  We were (and still are) really impressed & here's why:

  • It was perfect for Paige to start with.
  • It is very simple to use.
  • It has cute & clean images that catch Paige's attention.
  • You can start simple & get more complex as your child grows in his or her ability.
  • They have the consonant sounds grouped appropriately & in a way that is easy for parents to understand. 
  • It's a very affordable speech therapy app.

I'll walk you through the app:

Once you "Get Started", you'll view this page:

It prompts you to select a consonant group.  They mention that most users will start at the top and work their way down, some may find it easier to chose a specific group that the child already knows, then build on that.

Once you select your consonant group, you'll choose a level:

The first level just does one sound/sound group at a time.

The second level does 3 at a time, and so forth.  This is great for repetition of some of those simple words/sounds.

Speech Therapy for Apraxia is the first of four apps.  They each build on each other & are great options!
(hint: you might want to come back soon to see more of the Speech Therapy for Apraxia app reviews & giveaways!)

***One awesome thing about Speech Therapy for Apraxia is that it's available for both iPads & Androids!  (most speech apps are only available for iPads).

Download Speech Therapy for Apraxia - NACD Home Speech Therapy (Amazon)

Be sure to check out our Gumdrop case giveaway to enter to win a case for your iPad (or other electronic device)! 

Visit NACD's website here.
Visit Blue Whale App's website here.

Tell me... what's your favorite app on your iPad?

*This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may get a small commission if you decided to purchase anything from that link.  Clicking on the link will in no way make you pay more, in fact, I love to look for the best prices to save you as much money as possible!  I only recommend products & companies that I use & love myself, so I know you will be in good hands.  Thank you! 


  1. Thanks! My daughter has Apaxia as well. We just do therapy once a week and I know she loves these types of apps but I don't want to buy one and not like it.

  2. So glad to meet others with a little one with apraxia. My daughter was just diagnosed with it a few weeks ago. I'm so grateful for any tips or advice... including this app.

  3. I'm so thankful to meet other parents whose little one has apraxia. My daughter was just diagnosed with it a few weeks ago. I'm so grateful for tips and advice including the info on this app. Thanks!


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