Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday's Sharing Service #2

The Monthly Service Challenge for February (last month) was '14'.  It was kind of a unique challenge, but you can read all of the details about it here.  ***

Each month I ask for anyone to email me back with their stories about how they served so I can share them here.  I want this to be a community of moms who share their ideas & have a place to find even more ideas on how to serve with your kids.  

Often, serving is the last thing on our busy minds, but I hope that by sharing these ideas, it can help us all to realize we can serve with our children.

And don't forget... even the most simple acts of kindness can make the most difference! 

So, today, I'd love to share these stories/ideas with you about how some other creative momma's were able to serve with their kiddos.

"We made Valentines for Hospice patients and also postcards to mail to terminally ill children.
We made to postcards out of cereal boxes and we just wrote and drew on the blank side. Cheap and easy."



"I've been having the kids help me year round with Operation Christmas Child. We talk about how there are different families, and different countries, and different circumstances. We make things, buy things, and donate things to this wonderful ministry. During the summer months we'll also be volunteering in the church's garden which sends food to the local food pantry.

There are two pics are of the boys and the shoe boxes we sent this year and one of them and 2 other boys pulling up a cabbage plant in the church garden. 

For Operation Christmas Child (OCC) I was thinking of measuring how much the boys grew year-to-year by measuring their height in shoe boxes. The OCC shoe boxes has allowed us to talk about kids in different places as well as DO things for them. They spend some of their "church" money on items to include in the shoe boxes. We also like to craft and sometimes we'll make things for the shoe boxes. Finally, it is a geography lesson. I had bar codes on the boxes so I know where they ended up. I was able to show the boys information about the Philipines, Senegal, and the Ukraine. I'm the chair for Mission Outreach in my church and my focus this year is on involving young families. I figure if an outreach opportunity is easy enough for our youngest members to do then it is easy enough for anyone to do."


"Totally unplanned service - we went on a hike during spring break and my kiddos commented on how much litter there was and decided to pick it up (even found a discarded plastic bag to use to collect). We are also planning on doing some SPRING surprises for our neighbors (several of which are widows). We are planning on making some seed bombs as part of the surprise."


Lastly, Sarah wrote 2 beautiful posts full of 14 (total) great ideas on how she served with her 3 young kids (including twins!).  You can read them here and here.

I love getting these emails each month & reading the stories!  You ladies all have some great ideas & inspire me!  Thank you!

Want to join in the fun?!  
Join our Monthly Service Challenge below!

So... I'm dying to know!  What are some ways you've served with your kids? 

Linked up to LDS Link-up Party.

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