Thank You for Verifying Your Email Subscription


I'm so excited you have decided to be part of this community!

You have now been added to the mailing list.  I will be sending out a monthly service challenge newsletter toward the end of every month for the upcoming month.  I may also periodically email you with special announcements &/or exclusive offers available only to my newsletter subscribers. 

Ultimately, my desire is to encourage you to include your children in service... often! 

I know this will help you to form better relationships with your children & create lasting memories.  I also hope this is a community where you can find other service ideas & other moms with similar interests.

Thank you for committing to this challenge.  I look forward to hearing back from you & reading your posts about your experiences.

More Ways to Stay Connected

Want something to read while you're waiting for your first challenge email?

Here are some of my favorite and most popular posts to get you started:

Thank you again for joining this community! 

I am looking forward to getting to know you better & read all about your experiences serving with your children!  


1 comment:

  1. As a laid with my daughter waiting for her to close her eyes, I was trying to think of ideas for monthly service projects for my MOMS Club. I jumped on my computer to look for ideas, but decided to check up on my Facebook and Pinterest first (of course). That is when I saw this on Pinterest from Chelsea at Moments a Day.
    A very wonderful synchronicity if you ask me. Thank you for this. I am looking forward to participating!


I actually really love it when you comment! ;)

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