Let's Talk Tuesday

Thank you for your interested in my new Let's Talk Tuesday series... I'm glad you stopped by! 

'Let's Talk Tuesday' is a bi-weekly post series with ideas on how you can help your child of any ability, but especially those with Apraxia, Autism, speech disorders or late talkers. These are meant to be simple ways to encourage speech. I am not a speech therapist, but I am a mom of a daughter with Apraxia, I am just sharing these ideas in hopes that they will help someone else. 

If you have a story or an idea that you would like to share, please email me at [email protected].  Please note the guest post guidelines below.

I started the Let's Talk Tuesday series because my daughter has been diagnosed with Childhood Apraxia of Speech, which requires intense speech therapy in a professional setting, as well as constant support & practice at home.  It can be exhausting being a mom 24/7 and a speech therapist 24/7, so I hope I am able to help parents to find easy ways to encourage speech with their children.

Read more about our journey with Apraxia here.

Featured Let's Talk Tuesday Post:

To find all of the Let's Talk Tuesday posts, click here.


Would you like to contribute to Let's Talk Tuesday? 

What I am looking for is:
Personal stories about your child's speech disorder or delay (something with honest emotion)
Tips from speech therapist or experienced moms on at home mommy speech therapy (bloggers or not) This can be a short tip (I'll give you full credit!) or a full article (guest post). 

Guest Post Guidelines:
-Full posts must be 1,000 words or less.
-You are welcome to include family friendly pictures & links, but please try to limit them to 3 links total.
-You are also welcome to include one link back to your blog & one link back to 2 social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

If you are interested, please send your tips or posts for review to [email protected].  Please specify if it is a short tip or a full post you'd like to submit.  I will then let you know if your post will be featured and when.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you!

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